a. | 2nd day after hatch: Start the first feeding. When Triops are swimming around the water container, crush 3-5 pieces of food (item#5) by using the spoon (item#7) and spread the food over the water container. Only feed Triops once a day for the first 5 days after hatch.
Note: At this time, Triops are too small to eat the normal size of food. Do not over feed. Triops will not survive with too much food in the water. |
b. | 3rd day after hatch: They look like little tiny white and clear colored Triops. Feed once a day. Increase the amount to 8-10 pieces of crushed food. |
c. | 4th day after hatch: For 5 or less Triops, feed once a day with 1 level spoon of food. For 5 or more Triops, feed once a day with 2 level spoons of food. |
d. | 5-6th days after hatch: For 5 or less Triops, feed twice a day with 1 level spoon of food each time. For 5 or more Triops, feed once a day with 2 level spoons of food. |
e. | 7th day after hatch: For 5 or less Triops, feed twice a day, 2 level spoons of food each time. For 5 or more Triops, feed once a day, 4 level spoons of food. |
f. | After 8th day:
- Feed 2-3 times a day. Feeding frequency may be increased depending on if all the food can be consumed within 3 hours.
- Add spring water to 2 inches high. They will grow fast and start to shed its exoskeleton.
- Use the plastic tube to suck up the wastes daily to keep the water container clean.
- Change water by replacing 50% room temperature spring water each time.